Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Diamond Years

I am very blessed to have both sets of grandparents still living and happily married. I even have cutesy names for them: Meemaw & Peepaw and Dee Dee & PaPa. This past month we celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary; back to back weekends. The 60th year is considered to be the Diamond anniversary and I'm pretty sure I know why. Diamond comes from the Greek word for invincible, they are one of the hardest materials on the planet, they make excellent abrasives and when polished will shine. Marriage is hard and often abrasive. Most people may think that abrasive is bad, but not always. Some of the best marriages I have witnessed are characterized by the couples ability to "sharpen" one another, A.K.A.: they challenge one another and cause rough edges to be sanded away. Marriage is full of joy, love and respect. When a husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church and a wife respects her husband as the head of their home, they shine with a light that is reflective of Christ's love for us. My grandparents have lived this out in front of me, things have very rarely been easy but their relationships have shown just how deep the Fathers love is for us. So, it's fitting that this is the Diamond year. I was honored that my grandparents asked me to use my gifts to celebrate their anniversaries. I'm not fond of doing large stacked cakes (and these are my first to ever do), but in this case, it was a joy!

7 layers of chocolate cake and Oreo mousse covered in chocolate ganache.

7 layers of Vanilla cake with blackberry preserve filling covered in buttercream.

3 layers of Vanilla cake with strawberry cheesecake filling, covered in buttercream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful!
I LOVE the pink picnic! What a stinking great idea! I wanna know more!

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