Tuesday, April 01, 2008

What I did last week...

OK friends so I find myself wanting to blog all the time but realizing that I really only have time to blog once a week. But it's worth it isn't it? If I had more time to blog then I would have nothing to blog about. First up we have a new cupcake flavor: Mom's pina colada. My mom has always loved pineapple and coconut so this is the perfect cupcake for her! It's a moist butter cake flavored with 100% pineapple juice and coconut milk, then it's finished with two kinds of frosting!: Pineapple butter cream and Coconut whipped cream. This might be my new favorite frosting. Originally I had planned to swirl them together but still separate but the pastry tip I was using got clogged with the pineapple so I just folded the two frosting's together and piled it on top with an open pastry tip. Next time I'll start that way first.

Next, I made some cupcakes for my friend Cameron for his birthday. Cam loves baseball so of course he had to have baseball cupcakes. I will definitely do those again if anyone wants some!

Then I went to North Carolina for a wedding and was able to visit Cupcake Shoppe Bakery in Raleigh. The atmosphere was great! The shop is downtown in the heart of coolness. And they stay open till 11pm on Friday and Saturday nights! I tried as many of their cupcakes as possible. I had, carrot cake with cinnamon cream cheese, chocolate cake with mint butter cream, strawberry cake with strawberry butter cream, chocolate cake with peanut butter butter cream, chocolate cake with vanilla butter cream and red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. I did not eat a whole one, just a taste of each over the course of 4 days. Taste testing cupcakes is hard work! A box even travelled all the way back to Texas with me. I think, even with the days later testing that the carrot cake cupcake was the best, mainly because of the cinnamon cream cheese. However, I will say that this cupcake shoppe has the best chocolate cake I've had at a shop so far. The only negative at all is that the butter cream frosting's were overwhelming. They were too sweet and too much. I know, I know who ever heard of too much frosting. but coming from this frosting lover, believe it. They have the friendliest staff who put up with my ridiculous excitement and stupid questions. It is worth a trip to see them!

I'm going to be very busy over the next few weeks, but hopefully I'll have a little time to bake up some new flavors. Love ya'll.


Hamilton's said...

Hello My Sweet Sister! I'm so inspired by you!! I was so touched by our conversation the other day, not b/c of cupcake shop dreams, but because you are an amazing woman of God who is so comfortable living on so little to serve Him! I love you and wish I could spend everyday with you! If we get a bigger house will you come live with us? LOL!! Okay, I googled "Heaven and Cupcakes" because that is what popped in my head after we talked the other day... I found a cupcake shop in Delaware called Cupcake Heaven, and they have implemented the party idea. Here's their link: http://www.cupcakeheavencupcakes.com/4.html
Happy Baking! Love you so much!

Aggiemeeker said...

I haven't figured out how to comment back on your blog...I love you too! AND if you get a bigger house, I would totally come live with ya'll if you would let me!

Hamilton's said...

Found: Cupcake Shoppe in Cowtown

Not impressed by what I see... looks to lack "wow" factor. You have that! :)

Eagerly awaiting our baking party!

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